Parent and Student Feedback

Some past participants provide valuable feedback regarding their experience in the Higher Cred program.


University of Pennsylvania (Students)

I enjoyed being in a class where everyone is extremely competent and very motivated.  I also enjoyed the content that was delivered because it really allowed me to explore my interests in a more in-depth fashion.

The Biggest benefit was that I was accessing material that I would never get in high school.  My classmates were people who have experience in the field.  I feel that this experience of a college class will help ease me into life as a college student, next year.



Brown University (Parent)

The opportunity to interact with a college professor and students at one of the top universities forced her to compete on a whole new level.  Earning a top grade gave her confidence and more enthusiasm for college.



For my daughter who became Freshman in Fall of 2015 our goal always was to have her credentials stand out.   Our first priority was to help her create an impressive resume full of accomplishments so she could enter a college of her choice. The added bonus was to be able to use the credits in college which was very nice in her case.



My courses added 10.5 units of upper division credit and an almost guaranteed A+ in my Stats for Psych course, as well as leading to a valuable research experience outside of class with my stats professor. Overall it was a great experience and I'm glad its translated well in my life at UCLA! Thanks for all of your help in the process.


Lafayette College (Parent)

My son had exhausted all of the AP courses in Social Studies so he took a university level American Foreign Policy course.  This exposure to worldly professors and classmates (one was a foreign diplomat) led very sophisticated discussions.  I believe it may have been a contributing factor in his receipt of a merit scholarship.